City of Torrington Economic Development Commission
December 6, 2016
5:00 pm
City Hall Auditorium
Attendance: Nancy Sieller, Lance Boynton, John Giansanti, John Gleason, Bill Battle, JoAnn Ryan, Erin Wilson
Meeting called to order at 5:05 by Bill Battle & John Giansanti second
Vote to open the meeting to the public by JoAnn Ryan second John Gleason
Vote to approve the minutes from November 1, 2015, motion Lance Boynton second John Gleason
Vote to approve 2017 Meeting Schedule. Meeting will be the second Tuesday in July & November. Motion to approve Lance second JoAnn.
BAR Grant Kick Off: BL Company planner & engineer & Good Earth Assoc giving a presentation. Brownfield Redevelopment. Goal is to assess what is getting in the way of redevelopment of sites. There are targeted sites that will be focused on but the plan is to continue to move forward in the entire City. The 2 sites are Stone Container & Nidec.
The approach is kickoff, initial efforts, Redevelopment Planning, Development Concepts, Environmental, Design, Brownfield Strategy & Implementation. The project will always be evolving. We will try to capture Litchfield County into Torrington.
Motion to close Lance B second John G
Submitted by
Nancy Sieller